In August OAME hosted a highly successful event connecting local public agency project managers with OAME member professional services providers. The event provided a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their offerings and explore potential contract opportunities.

With over 25 businesses represented and a strong turnout from public agencies like Metro, TriMet, the Port of Portland, and various county and city governments, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Attendees had the chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, learn about upcoming projects, and discover direct contracting opportunities.
Participating businesses found the event invaluable. Many reported connecting with government staff who expressed interest in their services and even discussed potential projects. The opportunity to learn about the procurement process and understand the decision-making structures within different agencies was also a significant benefit.
For public agencies, the event provided a valuable opportunity to identify potential vendors and learn about the latest offerings in the professional services market. By engaging directly with businesses, agencies were able to gain insights into the capabilities and expertise of local providers.
Overall, the OAME Public Agency Meet-and-Greet was a resounding success. The event facilitated valuable connections, fostered collaboration, and provided a platform for businesses to showcase their offerings to public agencies. As we look ahead, we are excited to continue organizing events that support the growth and development of our local business community.