OAME 37th Annual Entrepreneurship Trade Show and Luncheon
Register early to assure your company will be included. Exhibitor booths fill quickly and we sell out every year!
The OAME Trade Show is designed to help majority businesses by creating networking opportunities with minority owned companies and to sample their diverse products and services. It is also an opportunity for Minority, Women, Emerging Small Businesses and Service Disabled Veterans to showcase their products and services and to network. Over 2,000 business people (from the public and private sectors and the general public) will visit OAME’s Trade Show & Luncheon.
Register now!!! Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to pre-register for your exhibit space at the OAME 37th Annual Entrepreneurship Trade Show and Luncheon at the Oregon Convention Center. Lunch is included with each booth reservation. Vegetarian / Vegan meals available at luncheon.